Isaac Smith

Chris Scott on… Isaac Smith's 250th game

I don't think either of us thought at any stage throughout his career at Hawthorn that he'd end up playing for Geelong. It would have just seemed so far away from possibility as you could get in the AFL.

He trusted us to come in and have us look after him and help him prosper towards the latter part of his career, and he's just put a smile on everyone's face. 

He makes me laugh, he makes us all laugh, most of the time it's at my expense but that's ok. Like other players that have come into our club, he has helped us evolve and that's something we try and embrace. 

We don't want to be stuck in who we have been, we want to focus on who we can be in the future. He's been a really big part of that.

Chris Scott on… Thursday Night Hype

We're embracing it, there's no doubt about that. 

We've got no intention of running away from the fact that it's a big occasion. We've got high expectations, and we acknowledge we're playing the best team in the comp over the last period of time. [They are] top spot for a reason. 

We're really excited about what we can bring but without overplaying it as well. It’s not a knockout game. It's not as if the side that loses won't be able to dust themselves off.

But we constantly talk about the fact that it's a privilege to play in these big games. You need to do a lot of work and get a lot of things right to earn the right.. the right of admission, I guess, so that's where we are at the moment. 

We feel privileged to be there and really keen to embrace the expectation and go after it

Chris Scott on… The Demons

It's the first time we've played them for the year, and we're looking forward to the opportunity. 

I don't have any doubt that we will come away from the game irrespective of the result thinking, 'ok we've learned a little bit here and there are parts that need to be adjusted', they do some things so well.


Like the best teams of the modern era, there aren't too many secrets in terms of how they go about it but that's more a reflection of how solid their game style is. Everyone knows, they just can't stop it.

Chris Scott on… Brandan Parfitt

We're going to hold Brandan back for another week. He was looking ok but it just continues the philosophy that we've had for a long time, especially this year, that we're going to play players when we believe that they're ready to play really well. 

He could get out there this week but we just think holding him back is prudent.