Scott on Lawson Humphries Debut  

He is a cool man, not just a cool name.  
He has really deserved his chance, he caught our eye from early in the preseason especially with his ball use.  
He has had a really good patch in the VFL, we have been talking about him coming into the team for quite a few weeks now and we think he is going to add something to our team, particularly in the back half.  
It was my interpretation, in terms of where he was picked, was that there would be quite a bit of development still left in him.  
I must say that I spent a bit of time trying to work out where his flaws were early on, he looked very accomplished right from the start.  
He has fitted into our system well, he is a really smart young footballer who uses the ball well and makes good decisions.  
I am sure he won't have any trouble with our system structurally, he has led that as well as any player at VFL level.  
It will be exciting for us all.


Scott on Shannon Neale’s Development

He is similar to Tom [Hawkins], the fact they are key forwards and they are tall but that is about where the similarities end.  
I think he is a different player.  
Shannon was a middle-distance runner, a track athlete that is a beautiful mover with great speed and great endurance.  
He can play in the ruck too, we are optimistic that he can develop into a guy that can split time between the ruck and forward.  
We would like to see his agility and his speed on display as much as his high marking.  
Scott on Limiting Zach Merrett’s Influence 
We have thought about him a lot.  
I have watched his season, but we knew he was a great player a long time ago.  
He is really important to them, probably pretty similar to one or two of our guys.  
Everyone understands that you can't just let him go and we won't either, but in terms of how we do it, we will just sit on that one for a little bit longer.

Scott on a Coaches Perspective to Debutants

It is one of the really nice things about coaching, there are hard conversations you need to have but then there are chats where you feel like you are helping a player reach his childhood dream.  
It is nice for me, but it is important that Nigel Lappin and the development team are the people who get to communicate it, because they are the ones who have helped guys like Lawson to get to this point.  
It is a really nice conversation, but I also don't want to step on the enjoyment that he gets talking to his family about it, the ones who have supported him through everything.