Scott on the Six Finals Debutants

It is easy to say to those players hey it just another game, but you would have to be not paying attention if you didn't realise at least the difference in the stakes.

I think you have so many people in your ear telling you how different it is, our job internally is to remind them that it is not that different.

Then it gives us more confidence because we know those guys so well, they haven't shown any signs of getting ahead of themselves or any signs of being overawed.

That is the biggest test they have had so far and it is nice to see them come through it. 


Scott on the Importance of a Strong Start

A good start was important and Cameron kicking that one that very few players can kick, that steadied our nerves a little bit.

You can make your own analysis about form and previous history, but that is not something that motivates us.

It is more about how quickly can you get the game played your way, if that has some fringe benefits by putting doubts in the oppositions mind then great.

But if you start thinking about playing a certain way because that is how they will think about it, you end up a little confused. 


Scott on Jeremy Cameron's Hot Start

For a long time I have been a believer that to do good things you need a bit of luck.

I see Jeremy at training and we have seen him play long enough to know it is not all luck, but you need some things to go your way.

He is an unbelievably skilled player and we depend on him, but the guys who haven't been there in Finals before are wondering how this is going to go.

When one of your best players slots one from the boundary line early in the game, it is a bit calming. 


Scott on the Overall Takeaways from the game

No we didn't envisage it playing out like that.

Obviously we had some concerns to work through, we were still thinking through the Tom Stewart situation and even the Sam De Koning one a little bit even though we had made that call already.

We have so much respect for what Port Adelaide can do when they are hot, last time we played them down at Geelong they were hot early. If anything that made us think hard about how we were playing at the time.

We were confident that we were going to a Finals series in good shape, but better for the lessons we learned in a bit of a lean patch that included that Port game at home.