Limited access to Cats Shop and Membership Services 1-8 December
Due to Simonds Stadium hosting of the Geelong Spartan Race, there will be limited and changed access of the Cats Shop and Membership Services from the 1st to 8th of December, to accommodate for set up and pack up of the event.
·         Pedestrian access only via the Doug Wade and Bernie Smith gates
·         No vehicles permitted through either gates
·         Parking via the Premiership Stand (pedestrians will be required to walk to the Doug Wade gate from this carpark) or off-street parking on Moorabool Street (pedestrians enter via Bernie Smith gate)

Please note, the Cats Shop and Membership Services will be closed for trading on the 5th December whilst the event is held.
For purchases on the 5th December, please visit the Cats Shop online or for membership, please purchase via our Membership website.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.