Best Result From 200 Consecutive Matches - Update
A win by Geelong vs Nth Melbourne in round 19 will break Collingwood's record of the highest match/win percentage from 200 consecutive matches set between 1927 and 1937.
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The above shows each team's best result from 200 consecutive matches since each joined the League. Where a team has had an equal match/win% from different sequences of 200 games, the one with the highest for and against percentage is shown.
Match Win Percentage (M/W%) is calculated by multiplying wins + draws divided by 2 by 100 and dividing the result by matches played. Draws are counted as half a win; otherwise, they would count as losses. (Geelong's best result from 200 matches in a previous era was a m/w% of 68.75% with a percentage of 117.52% from round 16 1960 to round 16 1970.)
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Geelong's last 199 matches start from a 65-point win against Carlton in round 14 2006. While it is important to add wins at this end of the sequence, it is equally important for losses at the other end to go out. (A 92-point loss to Adelaide in round 13 2006, drops out this week.)
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The 199th to 186th matches in the sequence with six losses and a draw to go out before a sequence of 15 wins, 1 loss, 12 wins, 1 loss, 15 wins, 1 loss, and 13 wins. (Geelong's m/w% from the last 185 is 81.08%.)
The only players to have played in the first and last matches of the current 199 match sequence are: Jimmy Bartel, Corey Enright, Andrew Mackie, and Matthew Stokes.