Who did you barrack for as a kid: Paul Kelly
Who was your favourite player: Paul Kelly
Who do you think is the next big thing at your club and why: Dawson Simpson – he is 208 cm!
Which teammate is likely to stand in the hole in front of a power forward: Cameron Eardley
Who has had the most influence on your career: my coaches
What are your pre-game superstitions: drink an ice coffee
Winning touchdown in the SuperBowl or winning penalty kick in the Champions League final: touchdown in Super Bowl
Biggest pest at your club: Billie Smedts
Teammate most likely to Google his own name: Billie Smedts
Which teammate delivers the best sledge: Andrew Mackie
Which teammate is likely to be seen shopping in an exclusive area: Jared Rivers
Who is more likely to buy from an Op Shop: Tom Lonergan
Name the three most admired people you would like to meet: David Attenborough, Hugh Jackman, Jessica Gomes
What is your dream place to visit and why: Maldives
Name one food you just can’t stomach: eggs
Favourite movie and favourite movie star: Usual suspects / Will Ferrell
Favourite band or musician: FM is much better than AM