Cats TV spoke to Tom Lonergan and journalist Scott Gallan about the young players stepping up during the big contests on Argue the Toss.

Lonergan holds a lot of admiration for the younger players and believes they have demonstrated the qualities that it takes to become an ominous footballer, after taking charge against the hardest team in the competition last Saturday night.

It’s a testament to their courage and will to succeed.

“Obviously there’s been a transition with the older guys moving out of the team over the last couple of years and we’ve been lucky enough to get some pretty good talent in,” Lonergan said.  

“Jordan Murdoch, as you said, has got some pretty good pace.

“Josh Caddy who we recruited from Gold Coast is a hard bodied inside midfielder, he kicked a crucial goal as you mentioned before and doing it in these big games at crucial times is so important for the team's development.”

Scott Gullan can’t go passed recruiter Steven Wells and says he is the mastermind behind Geelong’s talented youngsters who continue to show improvement week after week.

After witnessing Jordan Murdoch’s intensity in the goal square, kicking three goals in the last quarter against the Hawks, Scott feels it’s these critical moments that give the young players belief to move forward as a footballer.

“That’s a turning point in his (Jordan Murdoch) career, he can now believe,” Gullan said.

Catch the full episode of Argue the Toss with Lonergan and Gullan, just click on the video above.