Thursday 28 January 2016

In accordance with clause 17 of the Geelong Football Club Limited’s Constitution, formal notice is hereby given that the 39th Annual General Meeting of the Geelong Football Club Limited (“the Club”) will be held in the Captains Room, Premiership Stand, Simonds Stadium, Kardinia Park, Geelong on Thursday 28 January 2016 at 7pm (“the Meeting”).

The business to be dealt with at the Meeting shall be:

1. The receipt and consideration of:

  • Minutes of 2014 Annual General Meeting
  • 2015 Financial Report
  • 2015 Directors’ Report and Auditor’s Report

2. Amendment to the Constitution of the Club by Special Resolution (pdf, 36kb):

  • To consider and, if thought appropriate, pass each of the individual resolutions stated in the Special Resolution, such amendments to take effect from 28 January 2016.

3. Presentation of the 2015 RJ Hickey Award for outstanding service to Australian football.

4. General business as the Chairman directs. 

Financial Report

To reduce costs and utilise the environmentally friendly choice, the Club no longer distributes printed Financial Reports to members.

Members can obtain a copy of the 2015 Financial Report by accessing the Geelong Football Club Financial Statements web page. A hard copy can be requested by contacting the Club on (03) 5225 2300 or Members who request a hard copy will continue to receive all subsequent Financial Reports in this form until the Club is advised otherwise.

We trust you will find the 2015 Financial Report to be clear, informative and easy to access. Should you have any queries, please contact me on the above phone number or email address.

Ability to appoint a proxy

In accordance with the Constitution of the Club, a member is entitled to appoint a proxy and any such proxy need not be a member of the Club. The appointment of a proxy shall be in writing and must be lodged at the Office of the Club to the attention of the Company Secretary not later than 5pm on Monday 25 January 2016.

To obtain a proxy form, please click here. A hard copy can be requested by contacting the Club on (03) 5225 2300 or

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