Chris Scott on Danger...
We're not sure yet. We're optimistic he's going to be available, the question for us is whether we should play him given the lack of training that he's had over the last month.
Without going too far back and rehashing what I've said a number of times, he's had a really bad cork quad which kept him off the training track. He was able to play - a little bit limited, a lot of players go in with those sort of things - it means they're a bit less than their best but there's no danger of re-injury, but it did keep him off the track for subsequent weeks and then he had the calf issues as well.
So when we put that all together there's been a lack of training that is the biggest concern or us right at the moment. We will train today so we'll know more after the session but we're not in the position to say one way or the other just yet.
Chris Scott on Jack Henry...
Jack won't play. It's been a frustrating situation, that one with his foot. He's had an existing issue there, he had surgery in the preseason so I'm repeating what I almost always do what I hear from our medical team is they're going to treat him very cautiously and symptomatically and they think he could come together really quickly and have no symptoms and be able to play next week or it might take a little bit longer, but it really is one of those day-by-day things based on how he feels.
They do have some confidence that structurally he's quite sound. Not perfect, but not something that's going to hold him up really long term. Although, as always in those situations, you can't hold me to it because I'm just parroting what the medical staff have told me, and what they will always say, is these things are subject to change.
Chris Scott on Gary Rohan...
I think he is going to play this week, but again playing to perform is very different to playing as part of his training program. he's very much over the next week or two going to be getting some game time in the VFL that we consider to be part of his training. So limited game time, probably not so much that means his subsequent sessions, even two days or three days would be compromised. So playing to train.