Chris Scott on… Joel Selwood being managed
It just seemed appropriate to us that this week was the best one to hold him back and get him in the best shape he can be in for the last two games. He has been in pretty good shape it must be said. Pretty good shape generally the whole year so this is definitely a proactive move and something we have foreshadowed and pretty determined to stick to the plan.
Chris Scott on…. the makeup of Geelong’s team this week
We are still working through exactly how that is going to work this week. We were put in the position last night where we had to pick a team and a squad that we suspect was subject to change and that’s probably the way it is playing out today. (We’re) not quite in the position to be really clear on exactly what the makeup of our 22 plus sub will be, but I think it is reasonable to suspect that the 22 that we picked last night will change somewhere between now and game time tomorrow night. So, Stanley coming in and we are keen to see (Jonathon) Ceglar get some more exposure at AFL level before the finals, but we are still a bit undecided as to how that is going to look.
We were very happy with the way Ceglar played last week, and we are very open-minded to the two of them playing in the same team. That’s definitely on the table and something we will consider not only for this week but future weeks. Probably more referencing the uncertainty of the team is there is a couple of guys that we were confident would be available, but we weren’t quite sure. So (Sam) Menegola in particular who will probably play now and (Zach) Tuohy is in that mix as well.
Chris Scott on… Brandan Parfitt
I think we are fortunate that we have a broad midfield group that Brandan is a part of and Tom Atkins will continue to be a part of as well. There are lots of spots for different types in there and Brandan has been a feature of our team for a long time. He obviously got injured the week before the bye and came in for the last quarter last week. You shouldn’t always read too much into these things but the fact he came straight back into our team after seven weeks be it as the sub speaks to how highly we rate him.
Chris Scott on… Sam Simpson senior selection chance
This week, next week, the week after, somewhere there. He has played well enough at VFL level to be on our mind that’s for sure.
Chris Scott on… Shaun Higgins
He has worked really hard to get this chance. He’s been a real asset to us off the field through this period. He is really invested and keen to throw everything at it and if an opportunity arises, he is ready which is a good sign.
Chris Scott on… Zach Tuohy
It was a proactive move in some respects, there’s Covid and there is nothing you can do about that part, but the rest of his body was actually going really well. It was an opportunity once he had recovered from what was a mild illness and got out of quarantine to get some extra work in. If the balls fall the way we think it will over the next couple of hours then he will play, and I wouldn’t want anyone to think that there had been an issue with Zach over the last couple of weeks. He’s in good shape and it was just the best way we could manage the uncertainty that we had last night.