In recognitionfor the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War 1 in 1914, the Catswill pay particular respect to the Anzacs during this morning's minutesilence to remember those who have fought, served and fallen for our country.
At 11am on the11th day of the 11th month, 1918, the guns finally fellsilent on the Western Front and the First World War came to an end.
We now rememberthe sacrifice of those men and women who gave so much for Australia in allconflicts.
We pay ourrespects today especially to the Geelong Football Players who answered the callto serve their country in WW1. Of the sixty-six men who served, ninemade the ultimate sacrifice.
Below we honour and remember the nine Geelong players who lost their lives in battle, including Joe Slater who was named in Geelong's team of the century.
The full WW1 display can be viewed in the Deakin Cats Community Centre.